- inden for fødevareteknologi


Vær med, når FoodTech sætter fokus på energieffektivitet i fødevareproduktion og reducering af vandforbruget. Glæd dig til at møde nogle af branchens førende eksperter i et område, med et dedikeret fokus på at optimere både national og international energiforvaltning og vandforbrug.

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Water & Energy Stage

Her bliver du præsenteret for cases, der kan være med til at forme fremtiden inden for fødevareteknologi. Se programmet herunder.

Guidede ture

Deltag i guidede ture, der introducerer dig for state-of-the-art løsninger med fokus på, hvordan energi- og vandbesparende løsninger kan påvirke både din bundlinje og planeten positivt.

B2B Møder

Udnyt muligheden for at skabe nye forretningsforbindelser på B2B møder, der faciliteres af Danish Export og Enterprice Europe Network.

Water & Energy Stage

Konferencerne på Water & Energy Stage er en del af din billet til FoodTech.
Du kan derfor frit deltage i de forskellige konferencer og debatter.
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Reduced water consumption in the food industry

Reduced water consumption in the food industry

Hal J1, Water & Energy Stage (open stage)Engelsk

1. oktober 2024

kl. 12:30  - 15:00

Water & Energy Stage

12:30-12:35 Welcome 12:35-13:05 RuBisCo from green biomasses - Challenges and Opportunities - Hart Tanambell, Dept. of Food Science Aarhus University Green biomass, such as alfalfa, red & white clovers, and grasses, have gained attention as promising alternative protein sources that can be locally sourced in Denmark. Monogastric feed production from these plants have been running at full scale, but breakthrough for food is yet to be achieved. The challenges and opportunities within this area from an academic perspective will be discussed 13:05-13:15 Biobreak and introduction to the next presentation - Lærke Nielsen, Klimatorium 13:15-13:45 Water Supply for new soft drinks factory in England - Søren Hvilshøj, Senior Market Director, NIRAS Sufficient water of drinking water quality is a licence to operate for all food businesses. Unfortunately, water resources in many parts of the world have become significantly more squeezed in recent years, and at the same time as companies' increased focus on sustainability. Moreover, it cannot always be assumed that the local water supply has the capacity to supply the required amount of water to new, larger food factories. NIRAS has carried out a technical assessment of various possible locations for a large soft drink factory, which in full production will require between 2-3 million m3 of water annually. On the otherwise optimal site, the local English water supply has announced that with the required water consumption for the factory, they will have to transport the drinking water from a fairly large distance with great costs as a result. NIRAS has therefore suggested that the company look at alternative water resources 13:45-14:00 Biobreak and introduction to the next presentation - Anette Colding Brun, Klimatorium 14:00-14:30 Water efficiency in the dairy industry - Søren Nøhr Bak, Senior Expertice Director - Water & Sustainability, NIRAS & Rolf Pedersen, Expertice Director, NIRAS Sustainability in the food industry will typically be focused on the 3 essential elements: CO2, the utilization of raw materials and water. This is also true in the dairy industry, where water is gaining more importance. Over the past few years, NIRAS has carried out several projects on optimizing water consumption at dairies, where a review has been carried out of the operation in relation to the possibilities of the 4Rs: (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Rethink). In the presentation, the method used for optimization will be presented, as well as practical examples of how it is possible to achieve a reduction in water consumption, and in some cases approach the dream of the waterless dairy, where the water used for production comes to the dairy in the form of milk. 14:30-15:00 Building a Water-Efficient Future: Tetra Pak’s Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Food Production - Martin Carlsson, Senior Nature Project Manager Water, Sustainability, Tetra Pak & Anders Göransson, Product Manager Water management & CIP optimization, Factory Sustainability Solutions, Tetra Pak Processing Solutions & Equipment As water scarcity and energy conservation become increasingly critical concerns in many regions worldwide, the food industry must take swift and innovative action. Today, water management has evolved into a core focus, essential for the future of sustainable food production. Tetra Pak is at the forefront of this effort, actively engaging in water and energy conservation along its entire value chain. Through our Factory Sustainable Solutions, we offer a diverse range of technologies - including heat pumps, solar thermal systems, and advanced filtration techniques - that supports our customers in significantly reducing water usage and optimizing cleaning operations. This session will dive into Tetra Pak’s comprehensive sustainability agenda and portfolio, showcasing real-world examples of how these helps build a more water-efficient future. Together, we can address one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time and ensure that future generations have access to the resources they need.


Hart Tanambell

Postdoc - Food Chemistry

Dept. of Food Science Aarhus University

Hart Tanambell

Søren Nøhr Bak

Senior Expertise Director - Water & Sustainability


Søren Nøhr Bak

Rolf Pedersen

Expertice Director


Rolf Pedersen

Anders Göransson

Product Manager Water management & CIP optimization, Factory Sustainability Solutions

Tetra Pak Processing Solutions & Equipment

Anders Göransson

Martin Carlsson

Senior Nature Project Manager Water, Sustainability

Tetra Pak

Martin Carlsson

Søren Hvilshøj

Senior Market Director


Søren Hvilshøj
Circular water processes

Circular water processes

Hal J1, Water & Energy Stage (open stage)Engelsk

2. oktober 2024

kl. 12:30  - 15:10

Water & Energy Stage

12.30:12:35 Welcome Lars Holmegaard, CEO, Klimatorium 12:35-13:05 Water sources for green energy and PtX - Lars Holmegaard, CEO, Klimatorium The transition to green energy requires enormous amounts of water. By using secondary water instead of drinking water, we can solve several problems at once. 13:05-13:15 Biobreak and introduction to the next presentation - Lærke Nielsen, Klimatorium 13:15-13:35 Water is a limited resource - new technologies and concepts help reduce water consumption. - Niclas Pörtner, Concept Development and Design, EnviroChemie & Peter Ølbye, Business Developer, EnviroChemie New advanced concepts and technologies help companies reduce water consumption in production processes and ensure that wastewater is treated and reused efficiently. Our approach is to work with companies to optimize their water and energy consumption and ensure that as much water as possible is reused in a safe and efficient way. This is not only important for the environment, but also for companies' bottom line. 13:35-13:45 Biobreak and introduction to the next presentation - Lærke Nielsen, Klimatorium 13:45-14:15 Phosphorus is a necessary component for food production but is increasingly becoming a scarce resource - Sarah Hammershøy, CEO, MicroChange Denmark Phosphorus is a necessary component for food production but is increasingly becoming a scarce resource. Overuse and societal issues threaten the supply security of fertilizer products. How can wastewater be utilized to create solutions for future food production, and how can it be done flexibly and energy-efficiently? 14:15-14:25 Biobreak and introduction to the next presentation - Lærke Nielsen, Klimatorium 14:25-14:55 Sådan spares op til 45% vand, energi og CO2 ved CIP-rengøring Finn Ladefoged Gregersen, co-founder E-CIP Concept ApS CIP (Cleaning in Place) rengøring af hygiejniske procesanlæg er en betydelig vandforbrugende proces, der skal sikre fødevaresikkerhed. CIP-rengøring er forudsætningen for, at moderne fødevareproduktion overhovedet kan finde sted og derfor lige så vigtig som selve fødevareprocessen. E-CIP Concept præsenterer her et patenteret og afprøvet koncept med betydelige besparelser på vand, spildevand, energi og CO2 ved rengøring af procesanlæg. Konceptet har optimal rengøringseffektivitet og går derfor ikke på kompromis med produktkvalitet og fødevaresikkerhed. Her præsenteres hvordan konceptet fungerer i praksis, hvilke problemstillinger det løser og hvilke konkrete resultater der er opnået. Et E-CIP-anlæg er således både bæredygtigt og med store besparelser på driftsomkostningerne ved CIP-rengøring. Det giver en lavere Total Cost of Ownership af CIP-anlægget. Konceptet har således positiv indflydelse på miljøet, økonomien, effektiviteten og det er enkelt og fleksibelt. 14:55-15:10 Wrapping up the day


Lars Holmegaard



Lars Holmegaard

Niclas Pörtner

Concept Development and Design


Niclas Pörtner

Peter Ølbye

Business Developer


Peter Ølbye

Sarah Hammershøy


MicroChange Denmark

Sarah Hammershøy

Finn Ladefoged Gregersen


E-CIP Concept ApS

Finn Ladefoged Gregersen
Export of green solutions for the water- and foodtech industry

Export of green solutions for the water- and foodtech industry

Hal J1, Water & Energy Stage (open stage)Engelsk

3. oktober 2024

kl. 12:30  - 16:00

Water & Energy Stage (open stage)

12.30:12:35 Welcome Lars Holmegaard, CEO, Klimatorium 12:35-12:40 What are the challenges and how can we accelerate the export potential? - Moderator: Hans Peter Nielsen Kyk, International Business Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12:40-13:00 A brief introduction of the panelists' company, background, and export-related challenges Bionic System Solutions , Gert Nielsen, CEO NanoNord A/S , Martin Mindorf, Board Member at NanoNord A/S Lyras , Mark Andersen, CEO Danish Agriculture & Food Council , Kenneth Lindhardt Madsen, Head of Department for Trade & Market Relations 13:00-13:25 Panel discussions and questions to panellists 13:35-13:40 Q&A with audience 13:40-13:45 Conclusions and take aways 13:45-13:50 Biobreak 13:50-14:10 How cross-sectoral collaboration creates new green solutions boost business and export opportunities - Albert Jensen, Projekt- og Udviklingschef, Klimatorium The Danish lighthouse model and Klimatorium creates new, innovative partnerships between utilities, business, knowledge institutions, public actors and innovative small and medium-sized Danish companies. The model creates new potentials for SMEs - both in terms of development and markets. The Danish lighthouse model and Klimatorium that creates new, innovative partnerships between utilities, business, knowledge institutions, public actors and innovative small and medium-sized Danish companies. 14:10-14:45 Plastic potential and challenges - Peter Sejersen, Technical manager, TEPPFA (The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association) How to develop more sustainable solutions from a business perspective? Regulations in the field with pipes as user case And with focus on cross-sectoral collaboration. Short break 15:00-15:30 ESG as a catalyst for export acceleration - Christian Albrechtsen, Business Developer/Business Transformation, Erhvervshus Nordjylland How can companies work with ESG and the importance for accelerating export business.


Lars Holmegaard



Lars Holmegaard

Hans Peter Nielsen Kyk

International Business Advisor

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Hans Peter Nielsen Kyk

Albert Jensen

Projekt- og Udviklingschef


Albert Jensen

Peter Sejersen

Technical manager

TEPPFA (The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association)

Peter Sejersen

Christian Albrechtsen

Business Development Specialist

Erhvervshus Nordjylland

Christian Albrechtsen

Mark Andersen



Mark Andersen

Martin Mindorf

Board Member at NanoNord A/S

NanoNord A/S

Martin Mindorf

Gert Nielsen


Bionic System Solutions

Gert Nielsen
